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the leaves of the plant contain the pigment chlorophyll, which allows the plant to take in energy from the sunlight. i also think the cells in the leaves are the ones that perfoms ATP to give the plant energy. but, technically even the roots are adapted for photosynthesis because that's the part that takes in water. Water plays a ver important role in photosynthesis.

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12y ago

Plant leaves have adapted in several ways to not just carry out but enhance photosynthesis in terms of Chemical composition, Shape, Numbers, Placement, Shedding etc. Let's take a brief look at each of these factors:


Virtually all plant leaves have Chlorophyll, which uses the energy from sunlight (electromagnetic radiation) to convert water (draw from the roots) and CO2 (from air) into starch and sugars.


Most plant leaves are flat shape and have a large surface area, which allows them to convert large amounts of water and CO2 into energy required for sustenance and growth


Plants produce leaves in large numbers (relative to stem, branches and other parts). This, combined with their flat surface, improves the probability of a plant being able to conduct sufficient photosynthesis and thus be able to generate enough energy for survival


Plants leaves are designed to grow in minimally overlapping pattern such that each leaf has a higher likelihood of getting exposed to sunlight. Often plants won't even sprout in dense shade (or under other trees) and will actively change their shape to grow towards sunlight


At higher latitudes (beyond tropics of Cancer or Capricorn), as winter begins setting in, sunlight available for photosynthesis gets severely reduced. Now, instead of being energy sources for a plant, the leaves only act as energy consumers and become a burden. So the leaves of deciduous plants are designed to fall off. Before they do, they produce the beautiful fall colors, which are a result of massive conversion from starch to sugar in the leaves, which causes the red/yellow/orange pigments in the leaves to become more prominent than green. The plants then go into low growth mode (like hibernation)

So you can see that plant leaves have adapted and optimized in several way to handle photosynthesis.

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9y ago

Mainly the green parts like leaves.They contain chlorophyll pigments.

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Chloroplasts set plants apart from other living things in that they are the only parts of a cell that do photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants (mostly the chloroplasts) use sun and carbon dioxide to make food and create oxygen. Photosynthesis sets plants apart and chloroplasts do photosynthesis.

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where do plants get energy for photosynthesis

How do plants make chlorophyll?

Plants make chlorophyll by the process of photosynthesis.

What is a chloropast?

Chloroplasts are special parts of plants and algae cells. Their main roll is to conduct photosynthesis, which is how the plants/algae convert sunlight into energy.

Who is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is not a person. It is a process done by plant to get energy

What plants are involved in photosynthesis?

All plants, some protists, bacteria and blue green algae uses the sun to make photosynthesis. Plants use photosynthesis to create energy that then makes sugar for nutrient.

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