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Q: What parts of the world have life expectancy?
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What is the average life expectancy in the world?

The average life expectancy of the world is 69.4 years.

Which country in Latin America has the highest life expectancy in the region?

According to the World Health Organization, both Costa Rica and Chile are the most advanced countries in this regard, with a life expectancy of 79 years (2011):Chile: Male life expectancy: 76Female life expectancy: 82Overall life expectancy: 79Costa Rica: Male life expectancy: 77Female life expectancy: 81Overall life expectancy: 79

Who would have a higher life expectancy Australia or Africa?

People in Australia would expect to have a higher life expectancy than people in Africa. There are lots of very well developed parts of Africa where people would have a high life expectancy, but on average it would have a lower life expectancy.

What is the life expectancy for Germany?

In Germany, the life expectancy of males is 78.3 years. For females it is 83 years. Germany ranks 23 in the world for high life expectancy.

In which country people die young?

Swaziland is the country with the lowest life expectancy. Its life expectancy is about 40 years old; the world life expectancy is about 67 years old, so Swaziland is 40% below world average.

Do Citizens in the US have the longest life expectancy when compared to all other countries in the world?

The Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world, not the US. The US rates closer to 34th-36th in nations of the world in terms of life expectancy, one of the lower rate among the developed world.

What is the life expectancy of the inhabitants of Wales?

According to the CIA World Factbook, the average life expectancy in the United Kingdom is 79 years. The male life expectancy is about 76 and a half years, whereas the femal life expectancy is almost 82 years.

Why is Lithuania's life expectancy so low?

While Lithuania is ranked 88th in the world for life expectancy, it is not particularly low. According to the CIA World Factbook, in 2010 the life expectancy of Lithuanians is 70.23 years for men and 80.29 years for women.

Which European country has the highest life expectancy?

The country with the highest life expectancy in the world is Andorra - which is a little country between France and Spain.

Life Expectancy?

Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live based on current mortality rates. It is influenced by factors such as healthcare, economic conditions, lifestyle choices, and access to resources. Improvements in healthcare and technology have led to increased life expectancy in many parts of the world over the past century.

Life expectancy in Asia?

The Life expectancy of Asia has some of the largest swings in the world, ranging from 82 years in Japan to 60 in Afghanistan. Overall an average of 68 is roughly the life expectancy of Asia. Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with Afghanistan being one of the worst.

What is the life expectancy of people in Australia?

The CIA World Factbook states that 2010 figures for the life expectancy of people in Australia is 79.33 years for men and 84.25 years for women. Australia has the eighth highest life expectancy in the world.