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The blood goes to the ventrume

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Q: What path does the blood take through cardiovascular system?
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What is the path that oxygen follows in your repiratory system and the cardiovascular system?

The oxygen goes into you're lungs and the blood cells get the rich oxygen, and the blood cells come back with the carbon dioxide,

What body systems include valves?

Your cardiovascular system does. Inside the heart and veins, they exist to prevent blood from flowing backwards by acting as a one-way path.

How does the cardiovascular system distribute oxygen to cells throughout the body?

Well you see, the respiratory and cardiovascular system work together. The oxygen moves throughout the path. It then ends up in the alveoli and sinks into the capillaries surrounding it. I think you can take it from there since the oxygen goes into the blood in the capillaries. Hope this helped!

What path does an erythrocyte take from the bone marrow of the left humeral head to the renal vein?

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. In order to go from the bone marrow of the left humeral head to the renal vein, an erythrocyte would have to go through the entire cardiovascular system.

What is the function of vascular system?

carry the blood through the body and path way is capaliries heart and viens

What path does erythrocyte from the left humeral head to the RENAL VEIN?

It would have to transverse the entire cardiovascular system to do that.

How does cardiovascular and respiratory system work together to supply body with oxgyen?

The heart pumps your blood (cardio), into your lungs (respitory), to give them oxygen. Then it makes itsway around the body to supply oxygen to where it is needed. Then then new blood, without oxygen, goes on the exact same path.

What is the path of lymph from the interstitial spaces to the blood capillaries?

from interstitial spaces towards the heart through lymphatic capillaries to lympahtic vessels then to lymphatic nodes then to the right lymphatic duct once in the venous blood, the lymph is then recycled through the body through the circulatory system

What are a couple facts about the circulatory system?

Your: heart, atria, left and right ventricles, veins, arteries, capillaries, and blood are the major parts of your circulatory system. Red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma are components of blood. The path that blood travels throughout the body is through hollow tubes called blood vessels.

How is the path of the blood in the heart of frogs through systemic circulation?

it goes poo

What is the path one blood cell takes throughout circulatory system starting at right atrium and ending at capillaries?

The path a blood cell takes throughout the circulatory system starting at the right atrium and ending at the capillaries is called a ventricle.

What is the path of the lymph from the interstitial spaces to the blood capillaries?

Lymph moves in one direction to prevent pathogens from flowing through the entire body. the system filters out microorganisms as the lymph passes through the various capillaries, vessels, and nodes.