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Q: What percent does a person start experiencing blackouts of a bac?
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Yes, but an "average person" would not drink that much to start with.

When did the blackout start in London in world war 2?

Orders were given for blackouts from the outset of the war in Sep 1939, in fear of German bombing raids.

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Can you deduct more than 1 civil garnishment from an employee's check in Utah?

Yes, more than one person can garnish your wages in Utah as long as it does not exceed 25 percent of your gross income. If one person is already garnishing 25 percent of your gross income, another company cannot start a garnishment.

What is the meaning of the idiom go grey?

The idiom "go grey" means to start growing grey or white hair, usually as a result of aging or experiencing stress. It can also refer to a person becoming more serious or mature in their behavior.

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yes one person can start an airport if he has the required capital.

What is 40 percent off of 230?

Start with the original, and subtract 40 percent: 230-(0.4 * 230) = 138

How do you change 25 percent into money?

Before you can even start, you've got to know what it's 25 percent OF .

What is the percent for how many states start with a vowel?

12 out of 50

When do most adolescent girls start experiencing mood swings?

Most adolescent girls start experiencing mood swings around the time of puberty, usually between the ages of 10 and 14. Hormonal changes during this time can lead to fluctuations in emotions and behavior.

What percentage of Americans either drink tea or coffee to start their mornings?

The percentage of Americans that drink tea or coffee to start their mornings range from 50 percent to 80 percent. 50 percent of Americans drink coffee at least once a day.