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Q: What percent of American own rabbits?
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What percent of Americans own a car?

89% of American households

What percent of American teens own a phone?

around 90%

How much percent of a rabbits body is water?

A rabbits body is 65-70% water

What percent of the rabbits young survive to adulthood?

only about 3 or four rabbits in a litter survive to adulthood.

What's the scientific name of an all-white American rabbit?

The scientific name for all domestic rabbits (including all-white American rabbits, if they're domestic - meaning pets, farm animals, lab animals) is Oryctolagus cuniculas. Wild rabbits have different names (each species has its own scientific name). Examples of wild white rabbits in the US include the Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) in the winter.

What is the American Rabbit Breeders Association standard of perfection?

It is a book for 4-Hers. it has all the types of rabbits. but not JUST rabbits. SHOW rabbits.

What percentage of Americans own their own business?

The percentage of the U.S. population that is starting a business is declining. Data from the Federal Reserve indicates that the percentage of American households that own a business decreased from 14.2 percent in 1983 to 11.4 percent in 2004. According to

Who cares for the baby rabbits?

Baby rabbits (called "leverets") are cared for by their mother until they are able to get by on their own.

How do rabbits survive in Tennessee?

They eat their own vomit.

Do female rabbits eat their own litter?

No...not that I know of.

How do rabbits gets its food?

the look for there own food