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Q: What percent of Americans are addicted to tobacco?
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What do you call a person addicted to wine?

A person who really likes wine is called an oenophile. However this term does not imply that the person is actually addicted to wine. A person who is actually addicted to wine is simply an alcoholic.

Are drugs making you addicted or are you making yourself addicted?

Drugs cause a physical need. That is not something you can think yourself to.

Can you get addicted to garlic?

No, garlic is not addictive. It is a natural herb that is commonly used in cooking for flavor and health benefits.

What is dr house addicted to?

Dr. House, the main character in the TV show "House," is addicted to Vicodin, a prescription pain medication. He uses it to manage chronic pain in his leg, stemming from an injury sustained years ago.

How many people tobacco in US?

Cigarette Smoking StatisticsIn the United States, an estimated 25.9 million men (23.9 percent) and 20.7 million women (18.1 percent) are smokers. These people are at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. The latest estimates for persons age 18 and older show...* * Among non-Hispanic whites, 24.0 percent of men and 20.0 percent of women smoke (2004). * Among non-Hispanic blacks, 26.7 percent of men and 17.3 percent of women smoke. * Among Hispanics, 21.1 percent of men and 11.1 percent of women smoke. * Among Asians (only), 20.6 percent of men and 6.1 percent of women smoke. * Among American Indians/Alaska Natives, 37.5 percent of men and 26.8 percent of women smoke. * Studies show that smoking prevalence is higher among those who had earned a GED diploma (43.2 percent) and among those with 9-11 years of education (32.6 percent) compared with those with more than 16 years of education (7.1 percent). It's highest among persons living below the poverty level (29.9 percent). * National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2005, National Center for Health Statistics Related AHA publications: * Heart and Stroke Facts * Heart disease and Stroke Statistics Update

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What substance in tobacco causes a person to be addicted?


What happens if nicotine get in your eye?

you become addicted to tobacco

A major ingredient in tobacco that is addictive?

The major ingredient in tobacco that gets you addicted is nicotine.

Did the first tobacco have nicotine?

Yes it did have nicotine that is why people get addicted to it

Is it possible for young people to become addicted to tobacco?


What is the link between heredity and tobacco addiction?

some people have genes that make it easier for them to become addicted to tobacco

Who are the targets of tobacco?

they are younger people. if they get addicted now they could be that way forever.

How many times would you use tobacco before you are addicted?

3 and your hooked.

Why athles chew tobacco?

They are addicted to the drug nicotine, and can't smoke on the job.

Why is it difficult to quit using tobacco or alcohol once a person is addicted?

they eat it

Why do people become addicted to tobacco and drug?

Because of chemical reaction in the brain

What does the tobacco indrustry play in tobacco use?

They manufacture the products and spend billions every year on advertising, trying to get people addicted to them,