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I think it was around 25%

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Q: What percent of Aztecs died from smallpox?
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Did the Aztecs die of smallpox?

yes most of the Aztec died of smallpox which they got from spanish conquistadores.

How many Aztecs died from smallpox?

3.5 million Aztecs were killed by smallpox brought by the Europeans when Cortes (Cortez) found Mexico. After the Aztecs contracted it from a Spanish solider, which had contracted it from an African Slave

Did the spanish outnumber the Aztecs?

The Aztecs had thousands of warriors when Cortes and his 600 Conquistadors defeated the Aztecs and captured their capital, Tenochtitlan. Diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and influenza ended up being Cortes's best weapon. Ninety percent of all Aztecs died from the European diseases.

What disease helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs?


How many aboriginals have died from smallpox?

94% of Inca population 3.5million Aztecs died from the Europeans when Cortez found Mexico (later he defeated the Aztecs, claiming the gold, silver and other goodies)

What disease did many Aztecs die from?

Most of the Aztecs died from a disease they had never seen before, which was SmallPox. When the Spanish conquestadors came over to conquer the Aztecs, they brought over this deadly diseas that ultimately wiped out the Aztecs.

What epidemic killed many Aztecs?

the epidemic that killed many aztecs was smallpox

How were the Aztecs destroyed?

The invading Eurpeans (Hernan Cortez, et al) spread diseases like smallpox and measles, against which the Aztecs had no immunity. Thousands and thousands of the Aztecs died, to the point that they could no longer fight against the invaders.

What did the spanish bring with them that the Aztecs had never known?

Horses and Smallpox.

What regarded the defeat of Aztecs in 1521?

Smallpox and hunger killed more people than actual battles the Aztecs had.

Where are the AZTECS wre did they move to?

The Aztecs were a race of people that was practically decimated by smallpox. The descendants are all over the worlds.

How did ancient South America survive disease?

they didn't, all the Aztecs died fairly quickly because of new diseases from the Spanish like smallpox