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Q: What percent of an average sized watermelon is actually water?
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the water percentage of an average sized mouse is approximatly 75% Ringo the water percentage of an average sized mouse is approximatly 75% Ringo the water percentage of an average sized mouse is approximatly 75% Ringo the water percentage of an average sized mouse is approximatly 75% Ringo

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5$ foot-long

Why do bannan's have tiny seeds?

Bananas in the wild actually have lots of seeds throughout the flesh that are, maybe, pea-sized or pepper corn-sized. They are also short and fat and really don't look like cultivated bananas. The bananas we eat are cultivated from a species of wild banana to be larger and seedless, just like a seedless watermelon.

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The weight of an average sized Pomeranian is about 4 pounds. Generally, there are some that are larger and there are some that are smaller, but this is the average.

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The majority of these manufacturers were small-and medium-sized companies, with only 25 percent of the total employing 20 or more employees.

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What is the average sized garden?

An acre.

How many potatoes can an average sized potato fit into?

Ths depends upon the size of the subject potato in which you are attempting to fit an average sized potato into. If it is small, then in theory anything from 0.0007 average sized potatos to 0.999999 average potatos can fit into it. If it is large, than anything from 1.00000000000000000000001 to 6.472 average sized potatos can fit into it. If the subject potato is average sized, than it is 1. Then there is the fact that there is no officially recognised 'average potato size' as of 19th February 2013, meaning that what one experimentor might decide is an average size potato could be seen as too large or too small to be average to another.

How can an orca not be awhale?

Orcas are also called Killer Whales. This is because they are the largest member of the dolphin fmily and their length can measure to a average sized whales Length. They measure to 33 feet which is a good size for a medium sized whale. However, they are not actually whales.

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Average-sized spiders might be favored in a given environment because of their combination of size and speed.

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What fruits are related to cherries?

apples have seeds on the inside and strawberries have seeds on the outside