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Q: What percent of money donated goes to children and what percent goes to fund raisers?
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Tammys Diner donated 6 percent of their weekend profit to charity If the weekend profit of the Diner was 5268 how much money was donated to charity?

6/100 of 5268 = 316.08 of money

What percent of the money donated to the lance Armstrong foundation goes to operating costs?

don't worry about it

What made Bill Cosby recognizable?

he was a hero because he donated money to the human socitey and to children in need .

How does Children in Need help children?

it helps by all the money donated by people around the world to help make the children feel a lot happier for their lives!

Give me a sentence with the word donated?

She donated money to the charity.

Where does the Children in need money go?

the children that are in need try to get a education with the money that is donated to them, the children also try to live a good life :D

When is sports relief?

Sports Relief is a charity run by the BBC, money is donated which goes towards children in africa and the UK

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He donated to march of dimes and st.judes children hospital.

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maybe donated money maybe donated money

How Levi Strauss spend his money?

He donated money to a lot of different schools such as UC Berkeley and to multiple charities. Most of the charities were related to children or disaster relief.

Why is Sammy Sosa important in the hispanic community?

Sammy Sosa is important in the Hispanic community because he donated money to the children's hospital.

How did Henry fRick donated his money?

He pooped in a bag and donated it to The Jimmy Fund