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The Earth's grass produce 20 to 30 percent oxygen. The other 70 to 80 percent of oxygen is produced by marine plants.

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13y ago

80-90% of worlds oxygen

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Q: What percent of oxygen does the earths grass produce?
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Does grass produce oxejen?

Grass does produce oxygen from the air living animals and human breathe out called carbon dioxide.

Does a tree produce more oxygen then the grass shaded below it?

Yes. An area of grass would have much less volume than a tree of the same area.

Why is grass considered a producer?

Grass is considered a producer because animals eat it to survive.

How much of oxygen is produced by photosynthesis?

A full size Douglas fur tree will produce about 260 pounds of oxygen in a year. An oak tree will produce simmilar ammounts, as will most other large trees. Smaller bushes may produce around 20-40 pounds as will grass lawns.

What is found on earth surfice?

For the most part, water is what is found on the Earths surface. This is because about 70 percent of the surface of the Earth is covered in water. The other 30 percent is made up of dirt, plants, grass and rock.

How does photosynthesis help us survive?

Photosynthesis helps us survive because it is a way for plants, grass, and trees to produce it's own food so they won't die.Plants, trees, and grass produce oxygen and breath in the carbon dioxide so we can breath in fresh air and survive.

Why are trees shrubs and grass called producers?

because they produce their own food using sunlight and other animals feed on them. they do not feed on anything.

Does grass need air to grow?

Grass needs air to grow like most other plants. It allows it to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen to produce food.

What puts oxygen in the atmosphere?

plants trees and grass all provide oxygen.

Does grass gives us oxygen?


Is grass important?

grass important because it is a plant and gives us us oxygen

How do long grass produce their food?

Grass produces food by converting sunlight into sugar.