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Q: What percent of oxygen taken in does your lungs use?
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Do the lungs store oxygen?

No, they do not. Blood flows through the lung and during that time, the lungs fill up our RBCs (Red Blood Cells) with oxygen which is transmitted to all parts of our body.

Why cant your lungs pump oxygon around your body?

Your lungs are connected to the outside world, to take in oxygen and put out carbon dioxide (water vapor, etc.); lungs use blood vessels to exchange taken in oxygen with the rest of your body.

How is the oxygen taken in by the lungs of a mammal different from the oxygen taken in by the gills of a fish?

the gills of a fish take in oxygen in water while the human lung take in oxygen in the air. I think...

How do we get oxygen?

Use lungs

What do mammals use to get oxygen?

Their lungs process oxygen.

How do hippos get oxygen?

they use their lungs...? =^..^=

How hippo get oxygen?

they use their lungs...? =^..^=

What organ do alligators use to get oxygen?

lungs they do have lungs they come up to breath

What do turtles use their lungs for?

They use them to breathe with, to get oxygen from the air.

Does tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen?

Yes, in a sense tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen. When they first hatch they use gills, Eventually, they become less dependent on the gills as they grow lungs.

When the lungs take in oxygen they are functioning to collect oxygen for the body to use. When air is expelled from the lungs they are functioning to?

remove waste from the body

When the lungs take in oxygen they are functioning to collect oxygen for the body to use When air is expelled from the lungs they are functioning to?

remove waste from the body