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Q: What percent of the US electricity is produced from the burning of coal?
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What are the advantages of burning coal for electricity?

The only advantage of producing electricity from coal is that it will cost cheaper.

What percentage of Australia's electricity comes from coal burning?

82% comes from coal burning. Hope that helps!

Most sulfur oxides are produced by burning?

By burning coal.

Where you get your electricity from and how your electricity is produced?

your electricity in your home comes from wires under ground or on power lines. it comes from the power company that gets it from wind, solar, nuclear, hydroelectic dams, or from burning coal.

Do battery-driven cars cause pollution?

Depends on where you get the electricity to recharge the batteries. If the electricity is produced in a hydro-electric plant then there is almost no pollution. If the electricity comes from a nuclear power plant then you have nuclear waste. If the electricity comes from a coal-fired plant that you do have pollution from the burning of coal.

What percentage of our energy comes from the burning of coal?

We usually think out of 100 percent when we think percent, but out of 150 percent 32% comes from burning coal.

What human activity releases large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the environment?

Sulfur dioxide is produced by the burning of coal to produce electricity. Nearly 2/3 of the sulfur dioxide produced is through the burning of fossil fuels.