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None, it's just for fun, not spiritual.

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Q: What percentage of Bronies consider the fandom a religion?
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Related questions

Did bronies make pink manly?

Not really. Many people still consider bronies to be effeminate, and the fandom doesn't really revolve around pink as much as it does generally colorful ponies. Additionally, there was a "tough guys wear pink" attitude among some long before the brony fandom emerged.

Who was the founder of the bronies besides the shows creators?

There are no exact founders, as bronies are a fandom rather than an organization, so it doesn't really have any founders. The fandom started on threads on the website 4chan and spread from there.

Are there more bronies then trekies?

No. Trekkies are one the the largest fandoms. The My Little Pony fandom may be growing faster but the Star Trek fandom has had decades to become well established. Bronies may seem to pop up more often online because their fandom is largely internet based, probably more so than the bronies as Star Trek predates the world wide web.

Is the furry fandom a religion?

Uh- this is a joke, right? If not, then I'll tell you that it is definitely NOT a religion. There are some religious furries but the furry fandom itself is not a religion.

How many bronies are there in the world?

From the Herd Census (official site name): "Thus, we can state with a 95% confidence that between 4.0% and 6.8% of the internet-using US population strongly identify as bronies, or approximately 7 to 12.4 million people." These are the most up-to-date statistics for the US. Obviously worldwide this number would become even larger, perhaps by 2 or 3 times. There are currently no reliable statistics for the worldwide population of Bronies - although there probably will be in the coming years. The Herd Census site is ran by Bronies and has many other reliable and up-to-date statistics regarding the fandom.

Is being furry a sin?

No not at all unless your religion says that you aren;t allowed to be part of a fandom it s not a sin.

Why do volcanoes eryupt?

because they are eruptions that happen automatically like the one direction fandom getting into arguments with the wanted fandom, the taylor swift fandom and the union j fandom

How do you be in a fandom?

Joining a fandom is easy to do. You simply sign up to social media accounts and join groups related to the fandom you like.

Where can you get the brony documentary?

Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony can be found at a few places, but the main place to get it is at BronyDoc's Website. See the related link below There are many package options for it, and other cool stuff. It also could be bout on Amazon as an alternate option. And I do recomend buying it. It is an excelent Documentary that really shows who bronies are, and that we aren't just a bunch of old stay at home dudes watching a girl's cartoon in the basement. But rather a unified, loving, highly educated and caring fandom who are proud to be unique.

What is the fandom name of The Fault in Our Stars?

There isn't a specific fandom name for The Fault in Our Stars book, but John Green (the author of the well aclaimed novel) has a small following of people called Nerdfighters. He explains about this on tumblr and in his vlogs

What is an anti-fandom?

An anti-fandom is the group of anti-fans of a television show, movie, book or fictional character.

Who is the leader of the Vocaloids?

There is no leader. Vocaloid has no canon, either. Everything about the fandom is made up by the fans. Some consider Hatsune Miku the "leader" of the Vocaloids for her popularity, but this is just a private opinion.