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From the Herd Census (official site name):

"Thus, we can state with a 95% confidence that between 4.0% and 6.8% of the internet-using US population strongly identify as bronies, or approximately 7 to 12.4 million people."

These are the most up-to-date statistics for the US. Obviously worldwide this number would become even larger, perhaps by 2 or 3 times. There are currently no reliable statistics for the worldwide population of Bronies - although there probably will be in the coming years. The Herd Census site is ran by Bronies and has many other reliable and up-to-date statistics regarding the fandom.

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Are bronies the cancer of the internet?

No. While some bronies can be annoying, overall they are not a bad thing.

What is the percentage of bronies in America?

I do not know exactly what the percent is of bronies in the USA, but the percentage of bronies in North America (not North American citizens, just part of what I am calling "The Brony Club", TBC for short) is 69%. FUN FACT only 2.9% of bronies are married, meaning 96.4% of bronies are single. See the link below for the source.

Why are there anti bronies?

Anti bronies is just a term created by bronies of those who are apposed to bronies, and will usually do negative attacks or things towards a brony. By definition, to be anti anything, you must first be of it, and turn against it. True bronies like that exist, but despite the technical terms, in society an anti brony is just basically any brony hater.

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Is Howard Stern a Brony?

No. Howard Stern actually hosted an interview with some so-called "bronies" to portray them as negatively as possible. It was later revealed that these weren't actually bronies, but people who were paid to pretend they were bronies.

Why does society hate us bronies so much?

There are a few reasons. Many people hate bronies because they are going against the generally accepted gender roles that society creates; they are young men who like something that is generally viewed as feminine. Many people, especially those who are homophobic, associate this sort of thing with homosexuality. Some people have also had bad experiance with worst behavior seen among some bronies such clopping, endlessly talking about ponies, and general immature behavior. This leads some to think all bronies are like that. For many brony haters it is a combination of these things.

Why are bronies hated?

Bronies are people who like my little pony. why are we hated? some people think that bronies are gay, so they make fun of us. some more reasons are: 1. they think we "love and tolerate" too much.

Do boys like My Little Pony plush?

Many bronies do like My Little Pony plushies, but not all.

Are there more bronies then trekies?

No. Trekkies are one the the largest fandoms. The My Little Pony fandom may be growing faster but the Star Trek fandom has had decades to become well established. Bronies may seem to pop up more often online because their fandom is largely internet based, probably more so than the bronies as Star Trek predates the world wide web.

Are there any bronies from Liverpool?

Yes, there are :D

Why do anti bronies hate bronies so much?

There are a few reasons. One reason is that bronies violate what some consider to be social norms. Some consider the interest of young men in a show that is perceived as girly to be effeminate. Many hold effeminacy as something that is inappropriate often thinking it may be associated with homosexuality. So, for some brony haters there is an element of homophobia. Others simply find the idea of young men liking something "unmanly" to be offensive. In addition some believe that bronies are sexually attracted to the ponies of the show. The existence of pornographic pony fanart and erotic fanfiction reinforces this stereotype. Some mistakenly believe that this sort of perversion applies to all bronies. In addition, some bronies have demonstrated rather obnoxious behavior, discussing My Little Pony excessively, much to the annoyance of those who dislike it. Some people, again, have, have mistakenly generalized this behavior to bronies as a whole.

What are the My Little Pony fans called?

They are known as "bronies" or "pegasisters".