

What percentage of animals die a day?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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10% of animals die each day.

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12y ago
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Q: What percentage of animals die a day?
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why the animls die when each day becuase it is tired.

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Animal Abuse; 500 animals die every day and 300 000 animals die a year from animal abuse. It is so sad... STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY!

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The question is underspecified. Do you want: what percentage of the world's animals live in Colombiawhat percentage of the world's animal species live in Colombia.On a lighter note, the question could also refer to what percentage of the world's animal live (as opposed to die) in Colombia.

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i don't know why u bothered ask me

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All animals in zoos die eventually. There is no repatriation program worth mentioning.

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over 100