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Q: What percentage of cattle cake is water?
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Shea deoiled cake

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The higher the fat percentage, the more moist (but potentially lumpy) the cake is. The higher the flour percentage, the more dry and chalky tasting the cake will be.

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u should give them the cattle cake

What percentage would be if 5 people had a cake out of 243 people?

2.06% of the people had a cake.

What uses the most water beef cattle or dairy cattle?

Dairy cattle.

Is water a good substitute for cake?

No. Cake is better than water.

How does cattle breeding contaminate water?

It doesn't. Breeding cattle has nothing to do with concerns of contamination of water. It's what comes out after the cattle eat that matters.

What percentage of beef cattle do they eat in a day?

Please specify "they"

What is the cattle water container called?

Well, there's the cattle waterer (or automatic cattle waterer), and then there's the stock tank, which is a container that holds water for livestock like horses and cattle.

What is the percentage of Angus cattle that are in all of America's feedlots?

Today, it's at least 80% of cattle are Angus or Angus-sired.

What percentage of US beef cattle are polled?

Since there is no actual statistical source for this, the answer to this can only be a guess: I would think that 80 to 90 percent of all beef cattle in the United States are polled. The majority of this percentage would comprise of Angus and Angus-cross cattle.

What function does water have in a cake?

Water is needed to convert sucrose to glucose and maltose to glucose.