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Q: What percentage of dairy cows go outside?
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Are female dairy cows killed?

Dairy cows are female. And yes, they are killed if they have been culled from the dairy herd for whatever reason the dairy farmer had to cull them. They are slaughtered for hamburger, so they don't exactly go to waste. If they're sick or downers and can't be treated, they are humanely euthanized via bullet in the head.

What are some Learned behaviors of cows?

Cows learn where to go for water, when milking time is (for dairy cows), when it's time to switch to a better pasture (for cows that are being rotationally grazed), what feed and grasses are the best to eat, etc.

Do cows have a lot of milk?

Depends on what breed you are referring to. Dairy cows give a lot of milk; beef cows don't.

What cows are dairy cows?

Dairy Cows are cows that can produce enough milk too be able to be milked.The following list is of some Dairy Cow breeds: (the most common breed is Holstein)AyrshireBrown SwissBusaCanadienneDairy ShorthornDutch BeltedEstonian RedFriesianGirolandoGuernseyHolsteinIllawarraIrish MoiledJerseyKerryLinebackMeuse Rhine IsselMilking DevonMontbéliardeNormandeNorwegian RedRandallSahiwal

How Do You Get Calf' s On Farmville?

first you need a diary farm with a up to 19 cows, do not exceed 19.. then u need to adopt a bull that a friend found on their farm and put him in the dairy farm.. when u go to milk your cows there is a possibility you will have a baby calf. FYI only one bull per dairy farm

When milk cows are culled due to age or other circumstances are they sold for meat and if so what products does their meat go into?

Yes, dairy cows are sold for meat when they are culled. Their meat is only good for hamburger and sausages, nothing else.

Do cows go outside during the winter in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life?

As long as it is not snowing you can let your animals out.

Do all cows produce milk you drink?

Cows are mammals and all mammals make milk. Generally only dairy cows make enough milk to be considered commercially viable. Calves typically need about 2 gallons a day for 2 months. Dairy cows average 5 to 9 gallons of milk a day for 305+ days a year. Beef cows generally make only enough milk to feed their nursing calves.

Where do cows live during the summer?

Most cattle will be turned out to pasture, milking dairy cattle will remain in the barns. Some farmers with a tie stall operation will give the cattle a couple of hours out of the day to go outside for some grass and exercise. Cattle that are in a free stall operation will remain in the barns.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to the production of dairy cows?

1. You gotta have lots of money to get into it from the ground up 2. Dairy farming is subject to debate among many people because of what happens to the calves after they are born, and the cows after they have been used 3. It's a high demanding, high-labour career 4. Cows are often high-maintenance 5. You can't do it all by yourself 6. Dairy cattle are more demanding than beef cattle and much less hardier 7. Dairy calves must be bottle-fed 8. Dairy cows must be milked twice a day, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. 9. Dairy bulls are VERY dangerous and are not recommended to be used in the breeding program 10. Cows must be AI'd to keep producing milk and calves 11. Dairy cows are often thin, which makes successes breeding them smaller than for beef cows 12. Dairy cows are more subject to illness and injury such as foot rot, ketosis and milk fever than beef cows 13. Some breeds of dairy cows, like the Holstein are more high-strung (though docile) 14. They require feed and water 24/7, and lots of it 15. Some people say they stink worse than other breeds 16. Lots of capital and equipment and machinery is needed to care for dairy cattle 17. Manure management is vital because dairy cows poop a LOT And other things I failed to mention.

What would a dairy ant do if a hunter ant killed it's ant cows?

It would do what any creature thrust into that horrendous situation would do... Go to war. A very antlike solution to any problem.

Why is the fire lit outside of the church?

Ponyboy and Johnny left the church with Dallas to go eat at the Dairy Queen, But Johnny left a lit cigarette inside.