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Q: What percentage of energy originates from coal in Australia?
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What percentage does Australia use green energy compared to fossil fuel?

Around 75% pf Australia's energy is derived from coal. Well we are starting to use solar energy and Kevin Rudd is push to put limits on how much coal we use.

What sort of energy is available in Australia?


What percentage of Australia's electricity comes from coal burning?

82% comes from coal burning. Hope that helps!

What percentage of the energy used in the US is from coal?

just under %50

Coal supplies what percentage of the world's energy needs?

40%, with about 800 billion tonnes of coal reserves remaining.

What percentage of the worlds energy is supplied by coal?

According to the Energy Information Agency, an agency under the Department of Energy, almost half of the world's energy consumption for electric power generation is from coal.

Where is coal energy used in Australia?

It is used in indoniesia because the indoniesions need it

What percentage of American energy comes from coal natural gas and oil?


What percentage of our energy is coal?

In electricity production, it is just under 50 percent

Where does most of the energy come from?

AUstralia get most of its energy from coal.Most of it comes from coal and oil produced locally

How much energy does Australia use in a year?

Australia uses fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), solar energy, hydroelectric energy and wind-generated power.

What is the total percentage of coal?

compared to what. Percentage of coal used to make iron/steel, or percentage of coal shipped overseas, or percentage of coal used to make electricity, or....