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Volumetrically, most lava is of basaltic composition. Basaltic melts have overall lower gas contents and are more fluid than their andesitic-to-rhyolitic counterparts. Their higher fluidity (lower viscosity) is a product of their lower SiO2 (silica) contents. When gases exsolve from basaltic melts they are allowed to rise unimpeded through the fluid magma without a significant build up of gas pressure. This results in relatively calm, nonexplosive eruptions, and a preponderance of lava. In contrast, when gases exsolve from felsic magmas, their upward mobility is impeded by the high viscosity of the melt. This results in the buildup of gas pressure, which generates explosive eruptions associated with a preponderance of pyroclastic ejecta. The low viscosity of basaltic lavas allows them to be extruded over great distances, often producing high-volume lava flows with low aspect ratios (ratio of thickness to area). Under the right conditions, de-gassed felsic magmas can also erupt lava in a nonviolent manner. However, felsic lavas tend to be much thicker than basaltic lavas and have much higher aspect ratios.

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Q: What percentage of lava on Earth is basaltic?
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Shield volcanoes will erupt basaltic lava. Cinder cones erupt basaltic lava or basaltic andesite lava. Stratovolcanoes often erupt andesite lava, but may erupt basaltic or rhyolitic lava and all intermediate types as well.

Is basaltic lava less fluid than andesitic lava?

No. Basaltic lava has less silica than andesitic lava which makes it less viscous and so basaltic lava flows more easily than andesitic lava.

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