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Q: What percentage of people believe everything they read on-line?
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This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

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A small minority of people, estimated to be less than 5%, believe that the world is flat despite overwhelming evidence that it is round. This belief is often fueled by misinformation and conspiracy theories spread online.

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In America, it's about 80-90% for heaven and 70% for hell.

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maybe 1/4

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2% hohohoho

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Some people believe god made the earth and almost everything on it. But some people believe that we were made by something unknown.

Do you believe everything you hear on the radiosee on TVs or read online?

Dont believe all you see, and only half of what you hear...Well if I told you you were going to die would you believe it? That should answer your question.Just a comment on the above answer; Of course you would believe that you are going to die. 100% of people die.By all means, NO. but you can believe this answer.ANSWER: I think you should believe everything you read. Are you reading this? Do you believe it? Why not? It's true. I swear! What? I am not lying. O.k. fine...if you don't want to believe everything you read, then at the very least believe this; "There are no such things as stupid questions." Do you believe it? You believe that? How can you believe such a thing? I SAY:believing everthingthing you read would be an utterly foolish and moreover idiotic sort of action or thought. this world is full of conniving people who desire to mislead.