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94% of America believe that the Miranda Rights are important. The other 6% really dose not care

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Q: What percentage of people believe in the Miranda rights?
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Thisdocument helped to protect the legal rights of people?

Miranda Rights

What are rights called that are often used by people arrested for a crime?

Miranda rights

The Miranda case dealt with the rights of what?

People who are arrestid.

The MIranda decision of the supreme court concerned?

The Miranda decision of the Supreme Court was concerned with police informed the accused of their rights when they are arrested. They are called Miranda Rights.

Miranda Warning gave the people the right to do?

The Miranda Rights declare the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. They are no the source of these rights. These rights are outlined in the 5th and 6th amendment.

What year did the supreme court enact Miranda Rights?

The Miranda rights are a part of the amendments to the constitution. They became the Miranda rights in a supreme court decision in 1966. After 1966 it was required that they be read to people as they were taken into custody.

What two rights do the Miranda Rights guarantee to an accused person?

Miranda does not grant individuals any specific rights. It ensures that people are notified of the rights that they have, including the right to counsel and the right against self incrimination.

How does the Miranda rights relate to changes in history?

The Miranda Rights are an example of a supreme court precedent, set by a historic case in 1966. Before 1966 there was no national standard for informing a suspect of his rights. After the case, all law enforcement agencies adopted a policy of reading people their Miranda rights.

What if Miranda rights not given til hour after arrest?

As long as you are advised of your Miranda rights beforequestioning is begun it does not matter. Miranda rights are not about being arrested they are about what your rights are during questioning.

Do you capitalize the words 'Miranda Rights' in an essay?

It seems to be used this way: Miranda warning, or Miranda rights. Miranda is capitalized because it is the last name of the defendant who sued to bring these rights into law.

what is a / the Miranda warning ?

phrases that inform accused people about their 5th amendment rights .

What percentage of Americans believe gay people should have equal employment rights?

Surveys vary, but as of 2014, it's about 60% in favor.