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The number of suicides that where attempeted and accomplished in 2008 is 26,132 and its is still adding by the days, weeks, hours. Did you know that if a school has 1,000 students 20% of them have thought serioulsy about attempting suicide and that would be 200 out of a 1,000 that thinks that suicide is the answer

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Q: What percentage of people commit suicide every year?
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How many people commit suicide a minute?

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How many students in India commit suicide every year?

It is impossible to say exactly how many students commit suicide in India per year, but in 2013 there were 2,471 that were directly attributed to failing on exams. People of the general age range of students are some of the most suicide-prone. In 2013 it was found that between 30 and 40 people for every 100,000 Indians between the age of 15 and 29 committed suicide.

Why do suicide to your self?

people commit suicide for various reasons relating to pressure or stress they feel will never be relieved. I have personal experience with wanting to commit suicide because i get beat up every day at school and if i tell anyone about it they will beat me twice as bad.abuse is one of the most common reasons why people kill themselves.

Why do people commit suicide every year?

Because they cant take on life, they are depressed, there are many reasons why. Each with there own stories

How high are suicide rates?

In the US, nearly 18 out of every 100,000 people commit suicide. The numbers have been rising year after year. More women attempt suicide, but more men complete the act.

How many people commit suicide a year due to bullying?

1,000,000 (1 million!!) every year :(

How many homosexuals commit suicide every day?

Over a 100 a day, worldwide.

How many women commit suicide in peshawar every year because of their husbands?

The estimated annual suicide toll is averaging about 120.

How many teenagers commit suicide every year?

1.4 million teenagers kill themselves every year