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most people like summer better than winter, but i don't know.

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Q: What percentage of people prefer summer to winter?
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Winter. my fave is winter But id have to say summer

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What is the hottest part of the Olympics?

It depends on your opinion. Apparently, the top 3 for both type of the Olympics are as they are below: Winter Olympics #1: Women`s Figure Skating #2: Half Pipe #3: Pair Figure Skating Summer Olympics #1: Men`s Swimming #2: Men`s Running #3: Women`s Swimming I see a pattern in that. Anyway I`ve researched and now can show a few more details. Percentage of Women watching Winter Olympics: 82% Percentage of Women watching Summer Olympics: 84% Percentage of Men watching Winter Olympics: 73% Percentage of Men watching Summer Olympics: 64% Percentage of Girls watching Winter Olympics: 45% Percentage of Girls watching Summer Olympics: 11% Percentage of Boys watching Winter Olympics: 27% Percentage of Boys watching Summer Olympics: 36% Winter Olympics are more popular, and so that means Women`s Figure Skating is the hottest Olympic sport. After comparing this all to that all, I`ve noticed what is most popular. But most popular->hottest, so it`s "hottest", as some people say. I, myself, prefer Pair Figure Skating, but people can think what they want. Luge->not as popular as->mens figure skating->not as popular as->womens figure skating Pair Figure skating falls in about 4th place for Winter Olympics. Luge is about 7th though.

What season do most people prefer?

My opinion is that the best season is fall because it's not too hot (summer), its not too cold (winter), and it doesn't have too much alergies (spring). :)

Why do you have summer Olympics and a winter Olympics?

There are winter Olympics so people with winter sports interest can compete in the games. eg. Skiing, figure skating. Summer Olympics so people with summer sports can compete in the games. Gymnastics, swimming...ect.