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Castilian Spanish is spoken by more than 90% of the population, either as a first or second language.

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More than 90% of the population of Spain speaks Castilian Spanish.

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Related questions

How many people in Spain speak Castilian spanish?

Almost the entire population of Spain speaks Castilian (between 46-48 million people).

Where is the Castilian Spanish Spoken?

In Spain. Here Castilian is a synonym of Spanish though some people may see "politic connotations" in the use of either name

In Mexico is castilian spoken?

Castilian is more used within the context of Spain, where Castilian is spoken besides Aranese, Basque, Catalan/Valencian and Galician (in fact, all five are official recognized languages of Spain). For any other Hispanic country with the exception of Spain, Spanish is the name of the language spoken there. In Mexico, most people speak Spanish.

Why is castelian spanish spoken with a lisp?

I think the right question us why Spanish language from other countries is spoken differently than Castilian since Castilian (Spain) is the original Spanish. And why do people from Australia speak a different English than people form Ireland? The answer is evolution.

Where is the language castilian spoken at?

Castilian is a term that is sometimes used to refer to the Spanish language. Spanish, or Castilian, is primarily spoken in Spain, where it is the official language. It is also spoken widely in many countries in Latin America, as well as in the United States and other parts of the world.

What kind of Spanish does Xavier Alonso speak?

Standard Spanish or Castilian, the one we speak in Spain.

Spanish people talk in what language?

There are three languages that the Spanish people speak: Castilian, Catalan, and Galician. Castilian is the most used language in Spain. It is also the official language of all Spanish-speaking countries. Catalan is one of the official languages in Spain and it is spoken by about 10% of the population. Galican is a minority language in Spain but it can be heard in some regions such as Galicia, Asturias, and Cantabria. For more information visit langmainternational(dot)com

Is italy or spain or germany or the netherland's the country one can hear castilian and catalonia and basque spoken?

Spain has the most speakers of Basque and Castilian (Spanish) of the countries. As for Catalonia, that is a region within the country of Spain and not a language.

What is the meaning of the word castilian?

Castilian is related to the Spanish language. It usually referes to the variety of European Spanish spoken in northern and central Spain or as the language standard for radio and TV speakers.

What is a night called in Spain?

Spaniards speak several languages, but the nation language is Castilian (known outside of Spain as Spanish). Night in Spanish is "noche".

Can spanish speakers from south America and Spain understand each other?

Yes, they can understand each other - but the South American Spanish is no longer the 'pure' Castilian spanish spoken in Spain.

Is Spain the official name of Spain?

Spain is about as Spanish as it is possible to get.