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Q: What percentage of the nervous system is made up of neurons?
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The system is made up of cells called neurons?

The Nervous System Is Mad Up Of The brain The Spinal cord And The Nerves!!

Basic unit of structure of the nervous system?

The basic structural unit of the nervous system is a neuron, or nerve cell. Neurons are made up of a soma, or body, an axon, and dendrites.

What is the nervous system made up of?


What is the body's electrochemical communication circuitry that is made up of billions of neurons is called?

the nervous system

Do muscles send brain messages?

That last answer was wrong because neurons send messages from muscles. The system that does this is called the nervous system. It's a system made up of neurons NOT nerves. There are tons of different neurons, but the three main neurons include sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Motor neurons interact with muscles.

Almost fifty percent of the volume of neural tissue in the central nervous system is made up of what?


What is in the nervous system?

The Nervous System is a network of specialized cells, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It helps your body to transit signals and information between different parts of your body to your brain.

What part of nervous system worked when you are pricked by a needle?

This is a reflex that the peripheral nervous system was involved in. The prick was noted by sensory neurons which carried information into the spinal cord and synapsed with motor neurons which made you react, most likely by pulling away.

Why is it called the functional unit of the nervous system?

A neuron. ^ he is asking why, not what ^it's (neuron) called so, because the nervous system is composed mainly of the brain, spinal cord and nerves (neurons). since most of the nervous system is made of neurons, they are called the structural unit of NS, meaning that the NS is composed of these neurons.

What tissues and cells are part of the brain and the spinal chord?

The nervous system is made of neurons (cells) and their supporting connective tissues.

Nerve pathway between the brain and other parts of the body?

The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and all of the nerves in your body. Your nervous system detects and responds to changes inside and outside your body. First the nervous system receives information about the environment or other parts of the body. Then it interprets the information. Finally, it responds to information.

What does the nervous system use to relay on messages to the body?

Sensory Neurons- they detect stimuli and transmit signals to the brain and the spinal cord, which are both made up of interneurons