

What percentage of vineger is water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Table vinegar contains 4 to 8 % acetic acid by volume. So between 92 and 96 % is water.

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Q: What percentage of vineger is water?
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no-you get diluted vinegar

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It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay. It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay.

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vineger,because oil can flot on water which means its light but vineger is hever which stays on the grown

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Vinegar is a mixture of compounds and water.

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not everything will survive all the time. wateris stronger than chalk. now u can understand

Why does salt dissolve in vineger?

It's just like why salt dissolves in water

What happen when you mix vineger and water?

Very little but it does change the ph of the solution

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for weed ..drink plenty of water but mainly an 1/4 cup of vineger twice daily at least 48 hrs before works well for urine..vineger hides the THC in your system..

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