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Q: What percentage of vitamins are found in oranges?
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What do oranges have in them?

Protein, Calories and vitamins.

What nutrients are found in oranges?

Vitamins C, A, K, and D, and calcium (although additional calcium may be added to orange juice).

What foods have vitamins?

everyfood such as oranges chocolate and basically everything it doesn't matter cause everything has vitamins in.

What fruits have most vitamins and minarals?


What foods have vitamins in?

fruit e.g oranges veg e.g carrots

What vitamins can I take for a low iron count.?

Vitamin C and B are the vitamins you should take to help your iron. It can be found in fruits such as oranges and kiwis. In specific for vitamin B you should look for B-1 or B-12.

Does oranges have vitamins?

like most citrus fruits, they are a good source of vitamin C

Are oranges and tomatoes a good source of protein?

No, fruits contain an insignificant amount of protein. However, oranges and tomatoes do have other nutritious elements such as vitamins and minerals.

What foods can vitamins be found in?

The major source of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.

What are some foods with vitamins in it?

oranges have vitamin c in Fruits, vegetables, grains, and berries. well your basic fruits and veggies are very high in vitamins and practically every food has some sort of vitamins.

What vitamins or herbs promote blood circulation?

Vitamin B is good for circulation. it is found in brown rice. Vitamin C and E are also good for circulation and they r found in oranges, limes, mangoes and almonds. Potassium found in sunflower seeds is good for circulation too.

What vitamins get rid of freckles?

you mainly want vitamin C found in greats amounts of oranges, grapefruits and limes also cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, tomatoes,broccoli, sweet red peppers and cabbage