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Q: What percentage were women involved in witch hunts?
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What are some examples of modern day witch hunts?

There are witch hunts in part of Sub-Saharan Africa. India is another place that still practices witch hunts. In 2010, India had an 150 and 200 women killed during witch hunts.

Witch hunting or women hunting?

Although it is generally thought that the witch hunts were directed at women, the idea may not be entirely true. The entire membership of the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed in one of the "witch hunts" and they were all male. They were also inordinately wealthy and powerful. The witch hunts, started as a true attempt to weed out the "undesirable" element within the "faithful". It turned out to be quite lucrative for the crown heads, church and the gentry who ended up confiscating the assets and property of the accused. Is was very rare for women in those times legally own much of anything, so they were not the first choice of targets. As the "witch" hysteria" spread, the disliked, envied, or unwanted members of society started to fall victim to the purges. A masculine slanted church did tend to number women in the undesirable. It is a medical, scientifically proven fact that there are more women in the world than there are men, and that women tend to out-live men as a general rule. So, if an area is cleaning out the dead wood, getting rid of the disliked and/or disenfranchised there will be what appears to be a disproportionate number of women caught in the "nets". This is not to say that women were not victimised, because they were. Widows, spinsters and single women had no male "head of the house" to protect them, so they fell easily to the hunts, but I do not believe the witch hunts were completely motivated by misogyny.

What groups were particularly vulnerable to the witch hunts?

Women. In the middle ages, they were generally considered to be far more vulnerable to evil and corruption than men, which led to the vast majority of the people killed during the witch hunts to be female. Theoritically though, nobody was safe from being accused of witchcraft.

Who was the first person to start witch hunts?

The first recorded large-scale witch hunt took place in Europe during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. One of the most infamous witch hunts was conducted by the Catholic Church and state authorities in the late 15th century, led by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum - a manual on how to identify and prosecute witches. However, belief in witches and persecution of alleged witches predates this period in various cultures around the world.

What is the definition of a witch hunt?

In an historical perspective, it was the search, or hunting of witches or evidence of witchcraft that in some instances were actually legally sanctioned searches that led to the arrest and trials of many individuals many of whom were executed in horrible ways. Many of these actual witch hunts were fueled by mass hysteria and panic that led to mob lynches. This period of witch hunts spanned the late 1400's up until the 1700's where hundreds of thousands of men and women were executed for witch craft. Before Arthur Miler wrote the play The Crucible, there does not seem to be another historical event ever to using witch hunts as a political or social metaphor. Miller used his own experiences with the House on Un-American Activities Committee, (HUAC), and paralleled it to the Salem witch hunts of 1692. The Crucible was first performed in New York in 1953. Since that day the term witch hunt has come to mean: Searching out and harassing dissenters.

What percent of women are prostitutes in US?

There are no official statistics on what percentage of women are prostitutes in the US. Prostitution is illegal in most of the US, which makes it difficult to accurately track this information. Additionally, many individuals involved in prostitution may do so covertly, further complicating efforts to estimate the percentage of women involved.

Who hunts more men or women?

Women, because women think there tough and dont know how much it will hurt to get hit by a man.

How common were witches in shakespeares time?

There were no real witches in Shakespeare's time, because they don't exist! But, there is no exact figure as to how many women were thought to be witches. There were apparently thousands of them around! If a woman was seen to own a black cat, or if she made special herbal medicines, then she was seen as a witch. There were witch-hunts, and around 16000 (sixteen thousand) women were killed because they were thought to be witches. (They were burned at the stake, or drowned.) Hope I helped you! :)

Why did the witch hunts begin?

People started seeing things and blamed it on black magic. People thought some women were to blame for this black magic. The people called them witches. People were suspicious about these women. People started questioning who was a witch, so they had a poorly thought out method: she would be dunked in a river, if she sunk and died then the citizens knew that she wasn't a witch. But it was too late. If a women floated then they would burn her at the stake. If she survived this she was to be hanged.In fact, there are no known cases of anyone who was accused of being a witch being burned at a stake. This is a popular misconception.

What is the percentage of women working in us?

The answer will depend on what exactly you are trying to measure:working women in the US as a percentage of women in the US,women working in the US as a percentage of women working in the world,working women in the US as a percentage of worker in the US.There are probably other possibilities.

How many women were involved in the the edenton tea party?

51 women were involved

Do women have a little witch blood in them?

yes they do!!