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Q: What period did the native Americans lived in Texas and came in the contact with europeans?
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Did medievals smoke tobacco?

No, they did not smoke tobacco. Tobacco is native to North America and was smoked by the Native Americans there for millennia. It was not until English colonists made contact with some of these Native Americans in what is now the state of Virginia, during the early 1600s (Renaissance period), that it was then brought back and introduced to European society.

What Native American tribe lived in Los Angeles?

The Tongva/Gabrielino tribe inhabited the Los Angeles Basin pre-contact period, or before any Europeans set foot on our shores.

What clothes Native Americans wore on the Trail of Tears?

Native Americans on the Trail of Tears wore "period clothing" (clothing normal for that period in time). This included a great variety of clothing, mixed between traditional Native Clothing and European clothing.

Which prehistoric period were Moundbuilders thriving in Georgia?

The native Americans built mounds.

What is pre-contact period?

the pre-contact period is a time of the native tribes around the 1700's. i am doing a project on this. hope i helped u out.

What time period did native Americans perish?

Before i improved it - Well, we have been around this area (dependent on which scientist you asked) from 50,000,000 BC to - Today (yes, we are still here). After i improved it - Okay but can someone improve this to tell me when Native Americans were around.

What are the colonial days like in Arkansas?

Arkansas did not exist during the colonial period. At that time, the land that would become Arkansas was part of New France. Most of the people who lived in the area were Native Americans and the few Europeans were mostly explorers or fur traders.

What where the similarities between the native Americans and blacks during the reconstruction period in 1863?

well i dont know

An image of the Native Americans held by Europeans during the first contact period was one of?

In the beginning, there were mixed reactions. Generally, they were considered to be simple beings, beneath the European invaders but people, nonetheless. That changed as more and more invaders came. Eventually, the Indian was considered nothing more than animals. It wasn't until the late 1800's that the Indian was declared a human being by the courts!