

What period is zinc in the periodic table?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Zinc element is represented by symbol Zn.It is transition metal with atomic number 30.It is used for galvanisation of iron.

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Q: What period is zinc in the periodic table?
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What period on the periodic table does zinc belong?

Zinc is in group 12.

What period is zinc in on the periodic table?

Zinc is present on group 12 of transition metals.It has 30 atomic number.It is represented by symbol Zn.

What period is Zn (zinc) in for the periodic table?

Zn is the atomic symbol for the element Zinc.

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Zinc is a transition metal located in period 4, group 12 of the periodic table. It has the atomic number 30 and is known for its bluish-white appearance and corrosion-resistant properties.

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Zinc is Zn on the periodic table

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Zinc is placed in group-12 and period-4 in the periodic table.It is placed in the centre and is a part of transition elements.

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What is zinc classification on the periodic table?

* Name: Zinc * Symbol: Zn * Atomic number: 30 * Atomic weight: 65.409 (4) * Group in periodic table: 12 * Period in periodic table: 4 * Block in periodic table: d-block

What period in zinc in on the periodic table?

Zinc is present on group 12 of transition metals.It has 30 atomic number.It is represented by symbol Zn.

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Brass is not on the periodic table because it is a metal alloy that is made by mixing copper and zinc. Copper and zinc are elements that can be found on the periodic table, but brass itself is not an element.