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Q: What period was it when all of the major animal phlya on earth today evolved?
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Were the any major events in the precambrain period?

During the Precambrian period, Earth's atmosphere and oceans were forming, and the first simple life forms like single-celled organisms appeared. There were no major events like the complex life forms and multicellular organisms evolved later during the Paleozoic era.

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Yes, rising temperatures on earth cause major changes in plant and animal communities due to many physical changes in the environment.

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Well, sea for sure since they evolved there. Second, I'm not so sure perhaps land? Since they evolved many millions of years ago.

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Many plants evolved on land. These new types included ferns, clubmosses, and the first plants to reproduce with seeds.

Is of the major animal body plans seen today appeared in the fossil record over 500 million years ago at the beginning of what period?

Cambrian period

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What were the three major time periods?

Eon, era, period. Our Earth Science teacher told us to remember it as MEEP: majors eon era period. MEEP.

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Plasma is a major component of animal blood. Someone can find plasma in the blood of mammals such as goats or cows. It is important to note that plasma from one animal varies greatly from that of a different animal.

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The geosphere is a major part of the Earth's crust

Almost all of the major animal body plans seen today appeared in the fossil record over 500 million years ago at the beginning of the?

Cambrian Period