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pony express

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Madisyn Hayes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Cornelius Bush

Lvl 2
3y ago

its erie canal

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Lvl 1
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Lvl 1
3y ago

Mississippi-Missouri River System

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Lvl 1
3y ago
they are all different answers this is not helpful

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Lvl 1
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Lvl 1
3y ago

erie canla

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Q: What permitted the transportation in the early years of the US?
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What was the primary mode of transportation for the early US Supreme Court judges traveling the Circuit?

The early US Supreme Court justices traveled on horseback and by stagecoach.

What effect did transportation advancements of the early 1800s have on the expansion of the US?

Transportation advancements facilitated westward expansion but failed to cross major waterways.

What river was a primary transportation route during the westward expansion of the early US?

the Ohio River

Government transportation revenues in the US?

Early developments in transportation were ultimately financed by: Answer private promoters current government revenues savings of individuals foreign securities

Why did the infrastructure of the early US develop mainly through water transportation?

It was quicker and easier to transport goods by water.

What early 1900s construction project of the US has served as a center of urbanization transportation and economic actives in central America?

Panama Canal

Is shaving cream permitted in a checked bag on a plane?

no, by us law it is not permitted on an airplane

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Who heads the Department of Transportation?

The US Department of Transportation is headed by the Secretary of Transportation.

Can someone in the us military visit the Philippines on leave?

As long as you've got the accrued leave and round trip transportation, and you're back on time, you can go anywhere in the world it's permitted for military personnel to visit.

Which type of currency was used in the US during its early years?

Greenbacks <3 :-)

What type of business organization were common in the early years of the US?

sole proprietorships