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Most surgeons ask patients to shower or bathe on the morning of surgery using a special antibacterial soap. They should take extra time to lather, scrub, and rinse their genitals and groin area.

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Q: What personal preparations must an orchiectomy make prior to surgery?
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What tests do orchiectomy have just prior to surgery?


What dietary restrictions must an orchiectomy patient adhere to prior to surgery?

Patients should not eat or drink anything for the eight hours before the scheduled time of surgery.

How is an orchiectomy patient who is nervous helped prior to surgery?

Patients who are anxious or nervous before the procedure are usually given a sedative to help them relax.

What medications are orchiectomy patients asked to discontinue prior to surgery?

They are asked to discontinue aspirin-based medications for a week before surgery and all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) two days before the procedure.

What must a surgeon receive about his patient's mental health prior to an elective orchiectomy?

The surgeon who is performing the orchiectomy should receive two letters of evaluation and recommendation by mental health professionals, preferably one from a psychiatrist and one from a clinical psychologist.

Why do you have to be on a liquid diet prior to gastric bypass surgery?

You have to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery to prepare your stomach for the upcoming gastric bypass surgery.

Should you withhold food from a horse prior to surgery?

This can depend on the surgery the horse is going to have, you should always ask your equine vet about feeding prior to surgery just to be sure.

What preparations are associated with tendon repair?

Prior to surgery, the patient is asked not to eat or drink anything, even water. A few days before the operation, patients are also instructed to stop taking such over-the counter pain medications as aspirin or ibuprofen.

What preparations are made prior to an adrenalectomy?

physicians will try to correct hormone imbalances through medication in the days or weeks before surgery. Adrenal tumors may cause other problems such as hypertension or inadequate potassium in the blood, and these problems also should be resolved

What preparations are associated with stapedectomy?

Prior to admission.the patient will be given a hearing test to measure the degree of deafness, and a full ear, nose, and throat exam. Most surgeons prefer to use general anesthesia; in this case, an injection will be given to the patient before surgery.

What preparations are required for cystocele repair?

Women who have gone through menopause may be given six weeks of estrogen therapy prior to surgery.Antibiotics may be administered.An intravenous (IV) line is placed and a Foley catheter is inserted into the bladder directly preceding surgery

What is used in the process of removing male genitals in a transgender person?

To remove male genitals in a trans-gender operation aka ( sex reassignment surgery). People have this done when they feel they were born the wrong sex and wish to correct it by having their genitals replaced with the opposite sex. The first step is prior to surgery the individual has some kind of hormone therapy. There may be some other plastic surgery such as breast augmentation. Then there is usually a combination of surgeries performed, Penectomy, Orchiectomy, and some form of vaginoplasty.