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Q: What personal protective equipment (PPE) and protective clothing is available for your areas of activity?
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What are the list of personal protective equipment?

Personal protective equipment include protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment worn by employees for protection in hazardous environments.

What personal protective equipment do you need available?

Protective equipment needed depends completely upon the hazard being protected against. Without information on the hazard, it is impossible to say what protective clothing might be needed. Available protective equipment includes clothing, ear plugs, fire retardant material, hard hat or helmet, respirator, goggles or safety glasses, safety lanyard, steel toed boots, rubber boots, fully enclosed breathing apparatus.

What would you do if the protective clothing and equipment were unsafe?

see your supervisor

What does the SOP inform workers of?

Protective clothing and equipment required.

What personal protective clothing and equipment?

P.P.E (personal protective equipment) can be many different articles of clothing depending on the career you are involved in. Can range from shoes, gloves, reinforced pants, jackets, helmets, etc.

What is the use of personal protective equipment?

The use of personal protective equipment is when you wear a device or clothing that is designed to protect you, the wearer, from some hazard in your immediate environment.

Is it true that personal protective equipment is specialized clothing or equipment worn by a worker for protection against a hazard?


What is Personal Protective Equipment in a dental practice?

Here are basic PPE for the dental industry: surgical masks protective eyewear protective clothing gloves

OSHA requires that employers pay for most required personal protective equipment PPE including?

Personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields and barriers.

5 Why is it important to wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment?

during sport or work a lot injury could happen .. many people face to injure their self because they don't wear the right equipment or they don't use any protective. so to keep your self and others around you out of any injury or dead it is important to wear protective clothing and equipment...

How do I use protective pants?

When you are operating dangerous equipment, it is important to wear the right clothing. Designed for people operating chainsaws, protective pants create a barrier between your leg and the blade. They can be worn by themselves or over clothing.

How do you check that the protective clothing and equipment is safe to use?

with a check list made from common sense and input from others