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The pet rodent which has the longest lifespan is the Guinea Pig. They readily live between 5 and 7 years.

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Q: What pet rodent has the longest lifespan?
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What popular pet rodent has the longest average lifespan?

Chinchillas are very popular and live 5-7 years. At my local Petsmart they cost $150 though. Ferrets are also very popular. they are illegal is some plces though

What rodent should you get?

you should get a hamster for a rodent pet

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How do you obtain a rodent?

try on e-bay and search for rodent or go to a pet shop. They sell Mice and sometimes ferrets. it depends what kind of rodent you want.

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Which rodent is best to buy and easy to take care of?

all pets are not easy to take care of but the guinea pig will be the best rodent pet