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Q: What phase are the centrioles begin to organize spindle fibers?
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What are the functions of the spindle fibers and the centrioles?

The centrioles are similar to a railing at the two ends of a cell. The spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes (matching pairs) which are lined up in the middle of the cell. This spot is called the equator. The spindle fibers are also attached to the centrioles. The fibers begin to pull the chromosomes apart while holding fast to the centrioles. See the animation link below:

Briefly describe what happens during prophase?

DNA is condensed into chromosomes and the nucleus breaks down and disappears. The centrioles and spindle fibers appear and begin to migrate to opposite ends of the cell.

What stage to spindle fibers begin to form?


What is spindle fibers begin to form?

Spindle fibers are composed of a protein called myosin and originate from a cell organelle called the centriole

Explain why prophase is the longest phase in mitosis?

because the most things happen in it. centrioles grow, spindle fibers arrange on chromosomes, and the cell grows exponentially.

What is the purpose of a centriole and when do they appear?

Centrioles play an essential role in mitosis. Centrioles replicate during interphase, and in prophase, they move to the poles of the cell and spindle fibers begin to form from these poles. Those are the primary functions of a centriole. It is also important to note that these organelles are only present in animal cells.

In which step of mitosis do the fiber begin to disappear?

The spindle fibers begin to disappear in Telophase

What part of the cell helps out with cellular reproduction?

Certain chemicals in the cell will cause the cell to begin replication. Proteins are responsible for DNA replication. It is also proteins along spindle fibers that are responsible for the physical separation of DNA during mitosis. The centrioles are the organelles are responsible for directing the spindle fibers.

Spindle fibers begin to disappear in what phase?

The spindle fibers disassemble during anaphase. As the spindle fibers shorten during anaphase, they separate the chromatids from one another and then move them to opposite poles. The answer above stating that the Spindle Fibers disassemble during anaphase is incorrect. If they were to disassemble at anaphase it would completely halt the cell division process. The spindle fibers disassemble during telophase.

Is prophase the busiest in the cell cycle?

No. Interphase is. The cell is getting everything ready that it will need to divide.In Prophase chromatin in the nucleus begins to condense and becomes visible in the light microscope as chromosomes. The nucleolus disappears. Centrioles begin moving to opposite ends of the cell and fibers extend from the centromeres. Some fibers cross the cell to form the mitotic spindle.

Chromatid pairs are fully visible the nucleolus and the nuleus membrane disintegrate and spindle fibers begin to form?


Chromatid pairs are fully visible the nucleolus and the nucleus membrane disintegrate and spindle fibers begin to form?
