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last-quarter phase

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Q: What phase is the Moon at when it is exactly 270o East of the Sun?
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Related questions

Does crescent moon rise in east?

The Moon always rises in the east, no matter what phase it is in.

What after the moon phase full moon?

The moon phase "waning gibbous" appears after the moon phase "full moon".It becomes the "last quarter" or "third quarter" when the lighted part is exactly 50%of the side facing the Earth.

How does the moon become a new moon?

The new Moon "phase" is when the Moon is (more or less) in front of the Sun. We cannot normally see the Moon in this phase. If the Moon is exactly in front of the Sun, the Moon covers the Sun and we see a solar eclipse.

Which phase of the moon does solar eclipse occure?

It must occur at new moon when the moon passes exactly in fron of the sun as seen from a place on earth. Usually at new moon the moon is not exactly in line and it passes above or below the sun so there is no eclipse.

What moon phase is when the moon it between the earth and sun?

That's Full Moon. If the arrangement is in exactly the same line, then there's a lunar eclipse.

What is the phase of the moon at the highest point at sunrise?

Could be anything, the two phenomena are not connected. If you meant, what is the phase of the moon when it is at its highest point at sunrise, the answer is it is approximately at 3rd quarter, a half moon facing east.

What phase is it when the earth is between the moon and sun?

That's Full Moon. If the arrangement is in exactly the same line, then there's a lunar eclipse.

Is the phase of the moon depend on how much of the lighted side of the moon can be seen from earth?

Not exactly. The lighted side of the moon as seen from Earth is that part that is not shadowed by the Earth.

What phase of the moon that sets at noon in the west?

it sets to the south not the east yay means cocaine

Which phase of the moon is the dark phase of the Moon?

New Moon.

Which phase is the moon when it passes between Earth and the sun?

That happens at New Moon and it is the time for a solar eclipse when those three objects line up exactly.

What is the moon phase when there is a solar eclipse?

The Moon's phase is New Moon.