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Q: What phase of the moon is the entire lit surface of the moon seen from Earth?
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What moon phase is more of the lighted surface of the moon facing earth?

During the entire two weeks from First Quarter to Third Quarter, more of the moon's lighted surface faces toward Earth than faces away from it.

What is the phase when you can see the entire moon lit up from earth?

Full moon

Which is the moon phase that no ne of the lighted surface of the moon can be seen from earth?

New moon.

Is more of the Moon's surface visible during a new moon?

No. None of the lunar surface is visible from Earth during the New Moon phase.

What waning moon phase in which one half of the lighted surface of the moon can be seen from earth?

That would be Third Quarter.

Why does the moon phases change a certain day?

The moon changes phases as it orbits the Earth. The phase is due to the varying shadow that the Earth casts on the surface of the moon. When the Earth completely blocks the Sun, it is a new moon.

Are the phases of the moon caused by the positions of the earth and moon?

Yes. The earth rotates around the sun. The moon rotates around the earth. What make the moon bright is sun light reflecting off its surface. When the moon is full, the side that is facing the earth is also facing the sun, thus the entire moon is lit. As the moon rotates around the earth, the side facing the earth turns away from the sun and isn't illuminated as fully; the moon moves to the next phase.

Waxing Moon phase in which one half of the Moon's lighted surface can be seen from Earth?

"First Quarter", roughly 7.4 days after the New Moon.

What phase is the moon in when it is not visible from Earth?

New Moon Phase

In what phase can we not see the Moon from Earth?

In the new Moon phase.

What is phase is the moon in when it is visible from earth?

New Moon Phase

How much of the total surface of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun when it is at quarter phase?

The moon's surface is always half illuminated. We on Earth see 0 to 100% illumination of the side that faces use, depending on what phase the moon is at. Quarter phases, first and last, are half illuminated when seen from Earth.