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Q: What phobia is the fear of cold water?
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What phobia is the fear of water tubing?

Aquaphobia is fear of the water.

What phobia is the fear of cold or cold things?

Note: A phobia is not just a "fear" of something, it is the "irrational fear" of that thing. Chionophobia- Fear of snow. Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost.

What phobia is the fear of water?

Answer: Aquaphobia is the morbid fear of water.

Phobia name for fear of having water spraying in your face?

Spray phobia

What is ice cream phobia?

Ice cream phobia, or the fear of ice cream, is yet to be given an official name. However, there is such a thing as cryophobia, or a fear of cold.

What is the fear of ice crem?

Cryophobia is the fear of cold in humans. However, there is no defined phobia for ice cream.

The name of the fear of anything including water?

A phobia is an unnatural fear of something, e.g. hydrophobia is the term for the fear of water. To find other phobia names, click on the website link below.

What is the phobia related to flooding?

aquaphobia is the fear of water

What is a phobia for fear of drinking old water?


What phobia is a fear of vehicles near water?

Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles Hydrophobia is the fear of water put em together you have Ochohydrophobia.

What fear is the fear of pools?

The fear of pools is known as aquaphobia. It is a specific phobia characterized by an irrational and extreme fear of water, particularly large bodies of water like pools. This fear can be triggered by various factors, such as a negative past experience or a fear of drowning.