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goofy, hairy, horny, attitude problems for both genders. girls get bad cramps and very unreliable periods. boys' voices get deeper and get erections a lot.

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Q: What physical and emotional changes happen during puberty?
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What physical and emotional changes occur in the puberty?

the physical socio-emotional changes in males and females during puberty are grow fast in height and in weight, growth of hair around the sex organ, appearance of acne or pimples, feeling of self conscousness and change in behavior or attitude.

Is puberty is a period of growtn and changes within individual true or false?

Yes, it is true. Many important physical and emotional changes take place during this period.

What is the hormone that largely controls physical and emotional changes in females during puberty?

Most of the changes in puberty that women experience are due to estrogen.

What are some physical changes during puberty?

Boy: deeper

What are the emotional and social changes between male and female during puberty?

they fall in love.

What are some of emotional changes in males during puberty?

You get more angry you get angry more faster

What are physical changes in a male during puberty?

Some boys jawbone get lower

Physical changes that occur in teens bodies during puberty are called?


What changes that happen during puberty are important?

The most important change is the reproductive system becoming fertile. Also there are many emotional changes .

How isolation affect puberty age?

During puberty there are a lot of emotional and social changes. This causes some people to become socially awkward and in turn isolate.

Why do you need to undergo physical changes during the stage of puberty?

these changes are necessary, otherwise we will remain under developed. also we will bot be able to reproduce without puberty.

What is the difference between puberty and adolecence?

Adolescense is ALL of the changes turning you into an adult, puberty is during adolescence and this is the physical changes of your body i.e dropping of balls, growing of the penis