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the river

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Q: What physical geographic land form did humans always settle near?
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How did the environment and physical geography affect early humans?

The fact that humans have always needed to have water to survive caused them to settle by rivers. The rivers provided drinking water as well as food. The climate caused the early humans to settle in warm areas.

Write a sentence with geographic barriers in it?

The Sahara desert was a geographic barrier that made early life difficult for humans that settle in the Nile area. Trading between settlements was very dangerous due to the unforgiving desert conditions.

What was the some of the reasons early humans started to settle down Why did they choose to settle near water?

What was the some of the reasons early humans started to settle down? Why did they choose to settle near water?

Humans are always on the move but in general they tend to settle by?

Near necessary resources.

Why do people use physical violence to settle disagreements?

People use physical violence to settle disagreements because they have no patience, are not too smart, are not thinking clearly when trying to settle the disagreement, and have a death wish.

Did humans settle in the Libyan Desert?

Eventually, yes.

How do physical features affect where people settle?

Geographic conditions change the way we live. For example if you lived in India, you would have to learn how to fish and protect yourselves from the monsoons. If you lived in Antarctica, you would have to make clothing suitable for the cold weather.

What does this quote mean the human heart has ever dreamed of fairer world than the one it knows?

if you are asking what it means it can be interpreted as how humans always want more no matter what and can not settle for what is given to them in this case humans are seeking a better life then he one that has been "given" to them or in simpler terms the life that they have

Why did some early humans settle near estuaries?

Some early humans settled near estuaries because they provided easy access to both freshwater and marine resources for fishing and hunting. Estuaries also offered fertile lands for agriculture and access to transportation routes for trade and travel. Additionally, the sheltered waters of estuaries provided protection from storms and natural predators.

What geographic features might lead someone to settle in Vancouver rather than in Winnipeg?

because the climate is better

What geographic features might lead someone to settle in Europe rather in Russia?

Europe is generally warmer than Russia.

What are the factors that make humans choose were to settle?

food, water and shelter.