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Q: What physical properties of copper wire are independent of the amount of matter is the answer shape?
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Which physical properties of copper wire are independent of the amount of matter?


Physical and chemical properties of copper 2 oxide?

copper and oxygen

What are physical properties of copper in mobile phones?

The physical properties of copper in cell phones include conduction. It is very malleable and can be molded to whatever shape is needed.

Is cooper a physical property or a chemical property?

I believe you mean copper. Copper is not a property; it is an element with physical and chemical properties.

Is the property of copper a physical or a chemical property explain?

Copper has both chemical and physical properties. You will need to specify which property you are asking about

What are the differences between copper and silver?

All physical and chemical properties are different.

What are the physical properties of pure copper?

Elemental copper is an reddish-orange colored solid. More details are found here:

What are two physical properties of copper nitrate?

blue crystalline solid and contains water

What are the physical properties of copper II chloride?

it is a white powder sort of like cocaine

How do the physical properties of iron and copper compare?

Please see the links for making your comparisons.

What are the difference between a substance's physical properties and its chemical properties?

Chemical properties involve reacting with another substance. IE: burning of magnesium requires oxygen after which it is no longer magnesium. Physical properties do not. IE: metals are malleable, some very malleable, like copper wire can be bent with your hand. BUT it is still copper wire.

Is stretching copper into wire physical or chemical change?

If you meant to ask, "Is stretching copper into wire a physical or chemical change", it's a physical change.