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tRNA (transfer RNA) delivers the amino acids

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12y ago


TRNA has specific anticodons to the complementary Mrna codon, so TRNA carries amino acids to join with MRNA which results in a polypeptide chain

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11y ago

Amino acids can be taken up into the ER by amino acid transporters.

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14y ago

Yes, that is indeed what tRNA does.

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12y ago

Basically, yes.

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Q: What picks up amino acids in the cytoplasm and moves them to the ribosomes?
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Continue Learning about Biology

Describe the 5 steps in protein synthesis?

1. The DNA unzips 2. The mRNA reads the code (codon) of the DNA (Transcription) 3. The mRNA moves out of the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm to attach to the ribosomes 4.tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes according to the original DNA 5. The amino acids bind together and are released into the cytoplasm as a protein

What is the role of tRNA during the translation?

It links the correct amino acids together

What is the role of tRNA during translation apex?

It moves the amino acids into a chain.--APEX

Where do ribosomes do their work?

Ribosomes are cell organelles found in most plant and animal cells. There are two types. 1. Free Ribosomes(not attached to eR) and 2. Bound Ribosomes(attached to endoplasmic reticulum). Their basic function is to synthesize amino acids by transcripting tRNA basically which are used to make most proteins found in the body such as enzymes,hair etc.Ribosomes are molecular machines that make proteins out of amino acids. One of the central tenets of biology is that DNA makes RNA, which then makes protein. The DNA sequence in genes is copied into a messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes then read the information in this RNA and use it to produce proteins. Ribosomes do this by binding to a messenger RNA and using it as a template for the correct sequence of amino acids in a particular protein. The amino acids are attached to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules, which enter one part of the ribosome and bind to the messenger RNA sequence. The attached amino acids are then joined together by another part of the ribosome. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, "reading" its sequence and producing a chain of amino acids.

What is the role of tRNA durning translation?

A tRNA molecule brings an amino acid from the cytoplasm to its correct location on the mRNA molecule at the ribosome where it will be added to the amino acid chain. A tRNA molecule has an anticodon that is complimentary to a specific mRNA codon for a particular amino acid.

Related questions

Where is DNA decoded onto in protein synthesis?

DNA is first transcribed into mRNA in the nucleus of the cell. This mRNA then moves to the cytoplasm, where it is translated by ribosomes. The ribosomes decode the mRNA sequence and synthesize the corresponding amino acids into a protein. Therefore, protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm.

Describe the 5 steps in protein synthesis?

1. The DNA unzips 2. The mRNA reads the code (codon) of the DNA (Transcription) 3. The mRNA moves out of the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm to attach to the ribosomes 4.tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes according to the original DNA 5. The amino acids bind together and are released into the cytoplasm as a protein

What is the function of a ribosmes in a animal cell?

Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis. After mRNA transcribes the DNA code, it moves to a ribosome where transfer RNA brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome, and places the amino acid in the correct location according to the mRNA code.

What is the role of tRNA during the translation?

It links the correct amino acids together

How do amino acids make proteins?

Amino acids are linked into chains by a process called translation. This happens when a ribosome attaches to the "start" end of messenger RNA (mRNA) and moves along it. The chain is called a polypeptide. The protein is the molecule that has a role in the organism. It consists of one or more polypeptide chains, each of which has to be coiled and folded into the correct shape. In eukaryotic cells, translation begins in the cytoplasm. The process is completed either * in the cytoplasm, or * in the lumen (cavity) of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Which of these happens depends on the amino acid sequence of the first part of the chain to be synthesized. Polypeptide chains are also synthesized inside mitochondriaand chloroplasts. These organelles have their own DNA, mRNA, and ribosomes. In prokaryotic cells, polypeptides are synthesized in the cytoplasm.

Describe the major steps of protein synthesis on the ribosome?

during initiation and elongation, the ribosomes attaches to a specific site in the codon, AUG. It moves along the A site as trna comes to the mrna strand and delivers amino acids forming the polypeptide chain, based on the amino acids formed.

What happen before a protein is made?

A speachel "machine" copy's the DNA and makes a mRNA strand. Then it moves to the ribosomes and translates (that is what the process is called) it into a strains of amino acids which creates a protein.

What is the role of tRNA during translation apex?

It moves the amino acids into a chain.--APEX

Where do ribosomes do their work?

Ribosomes are cell organelles found in most plant and animal cells. There are two types. 1. Free Ribosomes(not attached to eR) and 2. Bound Ribosomes(attached to endoplasmic reticulum). Their basic function is to synthesize amino acids by transcripting tRNA basically which are used to make most proteins found in the body such as enzymes,hair etc.Ribosomes are molecular machines that make proteins out of amino acids. One of the central tenets of biology is that DNA makes RNA, which then makes protein. The DNA sequence in genes is copied into a messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes then read the information in this RNA and use it to produce proteins. Ribosomes do this by binding to a messenger RNA and using it as a template for the correct sequence of amino acids in a particular protein. The amino acids are attached to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules, which enter one part of the ribosome and bind to the messenger RNA sequence. The attached amino acids are then joined together by another part of the ribosome. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, "reading" its sequence and producing a chain of amino acids.

What do ribosomes do in order to make proteins?

Ribosomes are the components of cells that make proteins from all amino acids. One of the central tenets of biology, often referred to as the "central dogma," is that DNA is used to make RNA, which, in turn, is used to make protein. The DNA sequence in genes is copied into a messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes then read the information in this RNA and use it to create proteins. This process is known as translation; i.e., the ribosome "translates" the genetic information from RNA into proteins. Ribosomes do this by binding to an mRNA and using it as a template for the correct sequence of amino acids in a particular protein. The amino acids are attached to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules, which enter one part of the ribosome and bind to the messenger RNA sequence. The attached amino acids are then joined together by another part of the ribosome. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, "reading" its sequence and producing a chain of amino acids

Describr the role of tRNA in translation?

tRNA (transfer RNA) plays a crucial role in translation by carrying specific amino acids to the ribosome where they are added to the growing polypeptide chain. Each tRNA molecule has an anticodon that base pairs with the complementary codon on the mRNA, ensuring that the correct amino acid is added to the chain. This process is essential for the accurate synthesis of proteins in the cell.

What is the role of tRNA durning translation?

A tRNA molecule brings an amino acid from the cytoplasm to its correct location on the mRNA molecule at the ribosome where it will be added to the amino acid chain. A tRNA molecule has an anticodon that is complimentary to a specific mRNA codon for a particular amino acid.