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The only known way to clean metabolized THC from your system is not sold OTC, unless you find a place that sells large amounts of time. That's right, time is the only method shown to work through study. You might pass an in home pee test by drinking gallons of water to dilute the THC metabolites, but if they send those out to a testing facility, the facility will red flag the sample as tampered with, since other metabolites that should be present in urine just from eating and drinking, are diluted.

If you have to pass tests to get a job, not violate parole agreements, keep a job after an accident, the best way to pass is to NOT DO DRUGS.

Also, most labs do not buy the excuse of "I was in the car with someone smoking, it must have gotten in me through that", there are extensive metrics for how much THC can be absorbed through second hand smoke, and even being in a closet so thick with smoke you can't see your hand a foot from your face, you cannot intake enough THC to fail a test.

Bottom line, don't celebrate nailing that job interview by toking up with yo hommies.

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13y ago
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13y ago

well as far as i know if you go and but the water purification pills for like camping and other out door things those usually work

Niacin works really well. Its a vitamin, and it has a burning sensation when you take it because its like taking the things out of your blood that aren't supposed to be there. Works like a charm, Im a 220 pound guy and it cleared me up in about 48 hours or so.

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13y ago

Nothing is 100% efective for everybody.Time being without THC is the only foolproof way.

There are none. Anyone who tells you there is something is jerking your chain. It takes 30-90 days to get THC out of your system, depending on how much is in your system and your metabolism. Lots of exercise and water will flush out your system about as good as anything. You might drink some grapefruit juice to help get it out of the fatty tissues and your liver, but don't go overboard, just a couple of glasses a day. Water, water and exercise!!!!

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Does get the red out eye drops take THC out of your system?

No. Only time will remove THC from your system.

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after a single use, THC stays in your system for about 1-6 days. that many pills of anything seems really unhealthy

Is there a way to eliminate THC from the system quick?

If you drink lots of water it really helps or you can get detox pills

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no only detox pills

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I am very dirty on THC will the deep cleansing herbal capsules work?

Nope. THC is stored in the fat deposits of the body. While some pills may mask the THC, or cause excessive urination through diuretics, it is unlikely that they will remove the THC from your fat cells.

What is THC pills used for?

to get high =]

What will kill THC in the system immediately?

Nothing will get rid of it immediately accept for detox pills. It will leave be out of your system naturally in 3 weeks. Drink ALLOT of water, that will help flush your system out and if you get a urinary drug test will make it harder to detect the THC

Does milk thistle remove THC from your system?

Absoloutly not. THC levels will stay for up to 72hrs or more depending on body mass.