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Q: What pitch does a snare drum have?
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Which one of the instruments has the highest pitch snare drum or the timpani?

snare drum

What type of pitch does a snare drum have?

A snare drum can be tuned to any pitch. Most orchestral percussionists tune their snare to either an A or B Flat.

Is there any relationship between size and pitch of a snare drum?

If the drum is larger, most likely that the pitch is lower.

What is a side snare for?

It is used as a seperate snare drum normally tuned at a higher pitch to give a different sound to your normal snare.

What clef is the snare drum in?

Percussion instruments aren't written in clefs. Each line of the stave represents a different drum. The snare drum is usually in the second gap from the top.

Is a snare a pitched percussions?

You can tune a snare drum but it isnt considered as a pitch percussion because tuning it doesnt relate to a particular pitch. So it is an unpitched percussion.

Why is a snare drum called a SNARE?

It is called a snare drum because it has wires going across the center of the drum, underneath, when the drum is struck, it uses the metal wires to create a "sizzle" or "rattle" sound. This gives it the distinct sound that a snare drum has. And some people will just call a snare drum a snare for short.

Can the snare drum play melodies?

No. but if you tighten the skins by twisting the bolts on the sides with a drums key the pitch will change. the snare cant play melodies cuz you cant keep twisting all the bolts fast enough. and you would look really stupid.How would u look really stupid by tightining the bolts on your snare drum?

How do you play the snare drum in club penguin?

Have the snare drum and drumsticks on then dance!

What is on the bottam of a snare drum?

The snare head and snare system

How big is the snare drum?

You can get several different sizes of snare drum i think the standard one is 14" I'm not sure But you can get different szes of snare drum

Who made snare drums?

The snare drum is guessed to have descended from a medieval drum called the Tabor, which was a drum with a single gut snare strung across the bottom.