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Q: What plan did congress have for the newly acquired Northwest Territory?
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The Wilmot Proviso was designed to do what?

Keep slavery out of newly acquired Mexican territory

Northwest ordiance of 1787?

It established the process for how the U.S. would expand westward.

Why did congress pass the northwest ordinance of 1787?

The Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, defined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original 13 states. to help new states join the union (gradpoint)

Was Lewis and Clark the beginning of celebrating Thanksgiving?

No, they were not. They explored the newly acquired Louisiana territory.

What were newly settled lands called During the confederation period?

they were called the northwest territory.

Which personal secretary did President Jefferson ask to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory?

Meriwether Lewis.

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line-item veto

Slavery could never exist in any territory newly acquired by the US from Mexico according to the?

Wilmot Proviso

Who was the two famous travelers that were sent to explorer the newly-acquired Louisiana territory in 1803?

Lewis & Clark were sent out by the president Jefferson, to explore the newly purchased Louisiana

Why was the Northwest Passage important for Lewis and Clark?

It wasn't. Lewis and Clark had nothing to do with the exploration of the Northwest Passage. The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase and points west.

Free-Soil Party?

Formed in 1847 - 1848, dedicated to opposing slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and ceded Mexican territory.

How did farmers living in the Northwest Territory get their crops to the cities on the East Coast?

They were known to use canals, rivers and railroads newly built around that time, in the settlement of the Northwest Territory, in order to move their crops between cities on the East Coast. I think.