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Q: What planes does thomsonfly use to fly to cape verdy from Birmingham?
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How far is it from Birmingham to cape town?

Approximate distance in miles from Cape Town South Africa to Birmingham United States is 8231 miles or 13243.68 Kilometers

How long is the flight from cape verde to birmingham?


What is the flight time from Cape Verde to Birmingham?

Five and half hours.

How long does it take to fly from Birmingham to cape verde?

The flight time is approximately 5 hours, 39 minutes.

How long does it take to fly to Cape Verdi from Birmingham?

Just under 6 hours - 5:45 approx.

Can we travel from Toronto to Cape Verde islands?

Yes it is possible to travel to anywhere in the world from Totonto. However you may need to change planes to get there.

Does Birmingham have th most miles of canals than any other city in the world?

Yes, Birmingham has more miles of canals than Venice in Italy. The city's canal network stretches over 35 miles, making it one of the most extensive in the world and an important part of Birmingham's industrial heritage.

What city has the most canals?

While most people think of Venice, Italy or Amsterdam, Holland when they hear 'canals,' in fact, the city with the most miles of canals in the world is Cape Coral, Florida. It is known as "Waterfront Wonderland" and has over 400 miles of canals. Most are navigable, some have access to the Gulf of Mexico, and they are so extensive that Cape Coral's local ecology and tide patterns are affected by them.

Capes in Africa?

Cape Town Cape Verde Cape Point Cape Alguhas Cape of GoodHope Are some capes in Africa,but there are some more.

What does cape mean?

A cape is a cape

Can you give me an example of a cape?

A cape is a sleeveless outer garment that fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders. Superman's red cape is a popular example of a cape in fictional characters.

What are the four portions of cape cod?

The four parts of Cape Cod are: Upper Cape Mid Cape Outer Cape Lower Cape The Upper Cape is the first part of the cape that you come to when crossing either of the two bridges. The Lower Cape is at the very tip of the cape (P-Town)