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Jupiter (late September 2009)

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Q: What planet are you seeing now bright at night by the moon?
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Why is the moon so bright at night?

Coz sky is black. If moon appear in day when sun is shines then moon will be not bright simple. EDITED : ... What grade are you in? That a horrible explanation. The moon is so bright at night because at night The Sun and The moon is Aligned so that the Sun's light would hit the moon and which bounce off the moon through the earth. Thus, The moon is bright at night.

Every night you see a bright star near your moon what is it?

Since the Moon moves across the sky about 12 degrees per night, there will be no bright star near the Moon "every night". Last night (September 11, 2009) the Moon was fairly close the Betelgeuse, the red giant star at the shoulder of Orion. Tonight, September 12, 2009, the Moon will be very near the planet Mars. Both have a similar reddish color to them.

Why has the planet under the moon moved to the right?

As I write this (October 2010) Jupiter is the bright planet beneath the moon. The moon rises about an hour later each night on its monthly journey around the earth. Jupiter generally marches westward across the sky ecliptic a few degrees per night.

Why is it bright during a cloudy night?

The moon

Why The Moon and the planets appear bright at night?

they appear bright be cause the light from the sun is hitting the moon and planets to make them look bright.

What side of the moon are you seeing the new Moon phase?

night side

What is bright planet in opposite direction of moon in August 2009?


What planet appears vivid bright blue and Triton is its largest moon?

Neptune, the furthest planet from the sun.

Can you describe the moons atmosphere?

The moon has none so it's very clear, but on the bright side of the moon the sun is very bright and you have a hard time seeing stars.

Which term do you use when you are seeing more and more of the lighted portion of the moon each night?

When you are seeing more of the lighted portion of the moon each night, the moon is waxing. When the lighted portion is diminishing, it is waning.

What planet number is the moon?

the moon is not a planet. The moon is a natural satelite that orbits the earth. It has no light but it will emit the sun's light at night.

From earth at night the moon appears bright what causes this?

The Sun.