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Q: What planet is further from the sun than neptune?
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What planet is further than the sun than neptune?


Why is Neptune an outer planet?

Neptune is considered an outer planet because it orbits the Sun beyond the asteroid belt in our solar system. It is part of the four gas giants, along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, and is much larger and colder than the inner rocky planets like Earth and Mars.

Is Pluto before Neptune?

No, neither is it even a planet. It is further away from the sun than Neptune.

Which planet is further from the sun than Neptune?

Pluto is (usually), but it's only a "dwarf planet".

What planets are further from the sun than Uranus?

The planets that are farther from the Sun than Earth are (in this order): * Mars * Jupiter * Saturn * Uranus * Neptune and sometimes Y, er, I mean the Dwarf Planet Pluto. (It's 'sometimes' because Pluto's orbit brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune part of the time [most recently for 20 years ending in 1999] which is one of the reasons why it was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet.)

When Pluto was considered a planet why was neptune the farthest planet from the sun from 1979 to 1999?

In 1999 Pluto was considered to be a planet. From 1979 to 1999, Neptune was further from the Sun than Pluto, because of Pluto's eccentric orbit.

How many times farther than earth is neptune from the sun?

Neptune is almost four times as farther from the Sun than Jupiter. To put this into scale Jupiter is roughly five times further from the Sun than the Earth. Which means Neptune is almost twenty times further from the Sun than Earth is.

Which planet is 6 times further away from the sun than Jupiter?

Neptune, the furthest planet. Its is around 30 AU from the sun, while Jupiter is 5.2 AU.

What is the further planet from the sun?

All of them.

Is Neptune father from the sun than Jupiter?

Yes, Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.

How much farther from the sun is neptune than mercury?

Neptune is almost 79 times further away from the Sun than Mercury.

What is to the temperature difference between earth and Neptune?

Neptune's temperature is around 72 degrees Kelvin, which is about 200 degrees colder than the Earth. Neptune is far further from the sun and as such is a much colder planet than earth.