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Q: What planet is known for an enormous storm called the grest red spot?
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What planet is known for an enormous storm called the 'Great Red Spot'?

Planet Jupiter is known for its huge storm, the Great Red Spot. It is an anticyclonic storm that has been raging on the planet for hundreds of years. Not to be confused with the Great Dark Spot of Neptune.

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Seneca was kmown as the Grest Hill People.

What planet is known as the red planed?

Planet Mars is known as the red planet.

Which planet in the solar system is called the elegant planet?

Saturn is known as the Elegant Planet.

Which planet is known as the planet of the Jews?

I believe that it's a distant planet called "Israel". ;D

Is Mars the windiest planet?

Mars is the windiest planet in the solar system. Dust devils are known to be created when the winds get very windy.

Why is earth is called a living planet.?

Because Earth is the only planet known to have life.

Why the earth is called a blue planet?

I dont think it is called a blue planet, but if it is, that is because it has more water than any other known planet


The planet Venus is known for: • its enormous size • being the evening star - you can see it just before sunrise and just after sunset • its thick atmosphere • being the hottest planet • having toxic yellow clouds • named after the Roman goddess Venus • being right next to Earth

What planet is known for the color red?

Mars is known for its reddish color due to the abundance of iron oxide (rust) on its surface.

Why earth is called as life sustaining planet?

Earth is called a life sustaining planet because it has life on it, and is currently the only known planet that supports life.

Which planet is called the “red planet”?

The planet Mars is widely known as "the red planet", because of the rusted supply of iron oxide in its soil.